Indian Association for Promotion of Adoption and Child Welfare (IAPA) is a voluntary,
non-profit organisation, started in 1970. We work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
Secure a family to those so deprived. Provide opportunities for education and holistic development.
Work with the child and family to transform their life prospects.

Adoption & Foster Family Care

Nothing is more important for a child who has permanently lost her or his birth family, than to have a permanent family through adoption. IAPA works as per the Guidelines given by the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) for the process of adoption

Educational Sponsorship

Education to the level that makes a significant difference, is the key that brightens the future prospects of a marginalized child. Support offered by IAPA to motivate and enable children to sustain themselves in the educational stream, have yielded exceptional outcomes for a number of girls and boys

Family Preservation Program

A child's normal care is disrupted when crisis hits her or his family. A parent's death, desertion, serious illness or natural disaster calls for crisis interventions. IAPA reaches out to such children and their families with multi-pronged supports and preserves family life for the child, in their own or kinship family.

Support Services

To build children's social and emotional competencies along with academic education, several services are rendered to the child and the family through in-house and community facilities.

Your contribution can change a child's life. Please donate generously to our cause and help transform lives.

success stories